Friday 3 December 2010

Introduction Questions

Advertising –Introduction

1) What is the purpose of advertising?
The purpose of advertising is to persuade someone to buy / do something or to change someone views or opinion on a topic.

2) Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
The go compare advert: this advert grabbed my attention because it was dynamic and the theme tune was very catchy.
The BT advert: The BT advert grabbed my attention because the family are not a nuclear family and instead consist of a mother, daughter, son and stepdad which is not common in advertising.
The T-mobile advert: I liked the t-mobile advert in which people sing and dance in public areas because it was funny and unusual.
3) Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?
I purchased the Rimmel lash accelerator mascara after seeing the advert because the advertisement promised that by using the mascara your eyelashes will become longer and that it has been clinically tried and tested to provide longer lashes. In addition women who tried the mascara saw a lengthening effect after 2 weeks.

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