Monday 6 December 2010

Gendered Objects

Assignment: To give examples in which following products can be 'gendered' in advertisements given that both male and female consumers may use the product
  • A Car
  • Bottled beer
  • Mobile phone
  • Deodorant
  • Trainers
  • Cigarettes

A Car
A car could be gendered as being masculine by having a man dressed in a black suit (this shows intellectual power and authority), getting into a sports car and driving it away extremely fast (this shows the car as a powerful machine).

A car could be gendered as being by having a woman taking her children to school in it. This shows feminine characteristics of a woman being emotional and nurturing as the car is being advertised as a product to use to care and look after her children.

Deodorant could be gendered as masculine by having a man come back from playing sports and looking at a women desirerably but getting rejected then going to change from his kit and spraying deodorant and becoming desired by the woman.

Deodorant could be gendered as feminine by having a group of women getting ready for a night out and spraying deodorant and walking out the house looking attractive and confident

Trainers could be gendered as masculine by having a male wearing them and going running on a racing track very fast. This will make people want to buy the trainer as they will think that it will boost there physical ability

Trainer could be gendered as feminine by having a girl going shopping wearing the trainers and looking confident and happy and getting envied by other girls

Mobile phone
A mobile phone could be gendered as masculine by having a business man in a suit using his mobile to watch the football

A mobile phone advert could be gendered as feminine by having teenagers using the phone to call each other to meet up and then taking pictures together. Also the mobile could come in feminine colours such as pink

Cigarettes could be gendered as masculine by having a man walking towards a women whom he desires and smoking
and then handing her a cigarette and the women looking up at the man and smiling

Cigarettes could be gendered as feminine by having women who looks sophisticated with a cigarette in her hand and staring at a man seductively.

Bottled beer.
Bottled beer could be gendered as masculine by having a man come back home with a friend after a depressing day and having a beer and feeling better.

Bottled beer could be gendered as feminine by a having a woman who is shy and timid drinking the beer at a party and then becoming confident and sexually attractive and everyone looking at her and giving her positive attention.

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